The arrest of an American accused of trafficking thousands of protected turtles has thrown a new spotlight on an illegal wildlife trade that spans the globe and threatens to force rare species of the reptile into extinction.
This upcoming trial of David Sommers, 62, has exposed New Jersey as an unlikely hotbed of poaching that has surged due to a high demand in Asia, where native populations have been depleted, wildlife advocates say.
Popular for its meat, medicinal qualities and increasingly as an exotic pet, a single turtle of the right breed can be sold for hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the black market.
Mr Sommers, from Pennsylvania, is accused of smuggling 3,500 diamondback terrapins, native to the eastern US, out of New Jersey to sell them online to American and foreign buyers.
He was charged by the Department of Justice in July after one of his shipments to Canada – a box of turtles labelled as a book – was seized by authorities. He was found with more than 3,000 turtles, most of which were hatchlings.
Officials suspect that Mr Sommers bred the terrapins himself after catching a few adult females, inducing them to lay eggs and then incubating them.
Mr Sommers has denied the charges against him and is due to stand trial in the coming months. If convicted, he could face up to 35 years in prison.
New Jersey, which is a prime breeding spot for diamondback breeds, banned the collection, possession and transport of the turtles in 2016 after a huge increase in the numbers being removed from its shores.
Conservationists say the removal of just one adult female has huge implications for the local population as females have to lay dozens of eggs just to replace themselves in a population.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) law enforcement department, which is responsible for catching wildlife traffickers, said it is striving to break up "international and domestic smuggling rings that target imperilled animals".
The FWS told The Telegraph it could not comment on Mr Sommers’ case while legal proceedings are ongoing. But it pointed to a series of cases it has brought to prosecution in recent months, adding that its officers are taking a number of steps to tackle the "potentially devastating threats to wildlife" by working with international counterparts.
Zane Batten, a conservation police officer for FWS’ New Jersey division, told that was a "huge problem" in the state. "It’s a clandestine market: people don’t know about it, people don’t hear about it, people don’t see about it," he said.
Mr Batten said an upswing in demand from Asia for diamondback terrapins has fuelled a significant increase in the illegal trade.
As a major hub for international trade, a number of species illegally travel through New Jersey’s ports and airports and on to Asia and Europe every year, according to the US Justice Department.
Rachel Kramer, manager of wildlife trade monitoring network Traffic at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), said the growth of the Asia market was “likely due to a combination of growing affluence, increasing connectivity between wild places and consumers, and age-old desires to own what’s rare and beautiful.”
She added: "Turtle soup has long been out of fashion in the United States, but there’s mounting demand for live turtles in the global pet trade. Traffic surveys have found protected North American turtles in markets as distant as Jakarta – that’s a long way from home for those little guys."
A Traffic investigation published in March discovered that 16 out of 65 species of tortoise and freshwater turtles in Jakarta markets and pet stores were from North America.
Nearly half of 4,895 individual reptiles found by the group were threatened with extinction according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s red list of threatened species.
The illegal trade works in both directions between Asian and US markets, said Serene Chng, a programme officer at the Southeast Asia office of Traffic, a wildlife trade monitoring network.
“Most people just think of turtles being eaten but they are also traded as pets in substantial volumes and this particular trade is global. It’s not just that they are in demand in Asia, they are also being traded in the States and in Europe,” she told The Telegraph.
“You have Southeast Asian species that are traded to Europe and the Americas and likewise you have species from the Americas that are traded in Asia,” she said.
In May, Ms Chng published a report revealing that Asia’s illegal trade in turtle was spiralling out of control at such a pace that the reptiles had become one of the world’s most threatened groups of animals.
Traffic has called for the urgent launch of intelligence-led investigations and collaborative law enforcement across source, consumer and transit hotspots. It has demanded more vigilance at key international airports and stronger prosecution efforts.
“The States is quite a big demand centre so more could be done on their end to look at the buyers and ensuring that pet shops that do sell reptiles are doing so legally. There is some responsibility by the businesses as well as the buyers,” said Ms Chng.