Outed over a loudspeaker: how stigma and ignorance are hampering the HIV response

Kathryn Dy (not her real name) was just 17 when she found out she was HIV positive.

It was a huge shock, but – as she discovered at almost the same time – prejudice among her neighbours meant that most already thought she was infected, because she is a young, transgender, bisexual woman living in the Philippines.

That’s why her name was on a list that was read out on a loudspeaker announcement blasted across her area in Santa Cruz, Manila, just days before. The list included the names of anyone the authorities suspected of being gay, who should get tested.

“At first I didn’t mind [being outed over the loudspeaker]. My friends all knew, and I felt like the testing was nothing, like it was a game, because I was so sure I was not positive,” she said. “Then I got my results.” 

Two years later, she remembers how the shock made her suicidal. 

“I knew the end of the story was death, and my life was nothing anymore, so I may as well do it now,” she said. She didn’t tell her family, and started drinking every day and taking drugs.

Global summary of HIV

Kathryn hardly knew anything about HIV or Aids or how the virus spread, and had only heard scare stories about treatment.

“No-one had ever talked to me about safe sex,” she said. “I only knew cancer and not HIV, and I was not aware of condoms. I only knew them as something to play with, something to have in your wallet for luck.”

Kathryn is one of thousands of young people left dangerously in the dark in the Philippines over HIV – and this lack of information is one of the major reasons why infection rates in the country, particularly among young people, are rising alarmingly. In fact, the Philippines is one of the only countries in the world where HIV is on the increase.  

According to UNAIDS’ 2018 report, the Philippines has the fastest growing epidemic in the Asia Pacific region, and amongst the fastest in the world.

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In the last two decades, there has been no comprehensive sex education of any kindMario Balibago, Unicef

UNAIDs and the Philippines department of health data indicate that the country’s infection rate increased by 174 per cent from 2010 to 2017 – that’s 31 new cases reported every day last year. Several groups are particularly affected: men who have sex with men (and transgender women who have sex with men), people who inject drugs and sex workers.

The overall prevalence in the population remains low – less than 0.1 per cent. But that is changing, and there is another worrying trend. The people getting infected are getting younger. New research from Unicef in several badly-hit cities found that 33 per cent of the new cases were among children aged between 10 and 17.

There are a number of reasons for this, says Unicef’s Aids specialist, Mario Balibago – although one stands out.

“In the last two decades, there has been no comprehensive sex education of any kind,” she says.

At the same time, there’s a mismatch in the law. While the age of consent in the Philippines is just 12, adolescents can’t get HIV tests without the permission of their parents until they are 18, meaning the infection can spread unchecked.

One organisation trying to tackle this is LoveYourself, an HIV awareness-raising and testing juggernaut with some bold branding. In a recent testing drive, volunteers wore t-shirts with the slogan ‘Suck, F**k, Test, Repeat’. It provides social workers who step in to give ‘parental’ consent so that teens can get tested. 

“Our mantra is dare to know who you are and your status, take care of yourself, and share the news,” says Danvic Rosadino, a programme officer at LoveYourself.

He says only 15 per cent of 15-24 year olds know everything about HIV prevention. He’s HIV negative, but he remembers being one of them when he went for his first test. 

But LoveYourself is rare. The Philippines remains a Catholic country; shame and stigma lurk. While adolescents can legally buy condoms, Unicef’s Ms Balibago says staff often refuse to sell to them. Unsurprisingly – and out of line with much of the rest of the world – the country also has soaring teen pregnancy rates.   

It didn’t help when the controversial Philippines president, Rodrigo Duterte, said earlier this year that having sex with a condom is like eating a sweet with the wrapper on.

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Kathryn first had sex when she was 10, abused by her older cousin.

“We were watching Tom and Jerry, then when my friends left, my cousin started touching me,” she says. But she doesn’t blame the 17-year-old.

“I felt in heat when I was touched…and then I found myself looking for sex,” she says. “Now I have regrets that I was too young to have that libido, and that’s the reason I got HIV. I blame myself, and God.”

She should also blame her government, says Senator Risa Hontiveros, because it hasn’t done enough to protect young people. She’s the author of a new HIV/Aids bill about to become law, which is pushing better sex education and more funding for prevention and treatment.

“This is a national emergency. We are trying to change that,” she said.  

It is about time, says Kathryn, and her backers at Pinoy Plus, a Filipino organisation for people living with HIV that is now trying to engage adolescents. 

They say the picture on treatment in the country is actually quite good: anti-retrovirals are accessible, often for free, although patients report long queues that begin at 3am.

But the stigma and ignorance that discourage people from talking about HIV prevention in the first place linger for people living with the virus. Kathryn’s family make her use separate utensils, and she is struggling to get her old job back, at a burger chain, because of her condition.

“I tell myself, couldn’t it have changed a lot if I had had that information, to use a condom? If I had only been taught when I was young,” she says.  

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