Play PUBG on Xbox One now, hours before official release

People are already playing PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds on Xbox One. You can, too.

The worldwide battle royale sensation is not due to launch on Microsoft’s console until tomorrow, 12th December. The official UK release time is midnight tonight.

But you can get the game downloading now via buying a key (from somewhere like, where it costs £22.99). Set your Xbox as your home Xbox, then redeem your code.

PUBG will automatically be added to your download queue (it weighs in at 5.24GB). Once downloaded, you can then boot it and play. Eurogamer has tested the method for ourselves – and it works just fine.

Servers are already live, and people are streaming their play sessions via Twitch:

PUBG is of course now out in regions such as Australia and Japan where it is already the 12th. But – if you don’t have the game yet – you can join them right now.