Pokémon Go has detailed the finale of its summer event schedule – a global “Ultra Unlock” which will bring legendary Pokémon Mewtwo to regular raids for the first time. Up until now, the elusive creature has only been available in invite-only EX Raids, which for some players are hard to trigger.
This event comes after dedicated raiding days for Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, all three of which will return to legendary raids from 13th to 20th September (and once again have the possibility of being Shiny). UK players, bear in mind the event begins at 1pm Pacific time on the 13th (which is 9pm UK time) so the first legendary bird raids will pop here from the morning of Friday 14th.
Mewtwo raids will then take place from 20th September (again, from 1pm Pacific, so actually the day after) to 23rd October.
Alongside all of this, Kanto regional Pokémon Farfetch’d, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime and Tauros, exclusively available in Japan, Australia, Europe and North America respectively, will be added to 7km eggs so all players will be able to hatch them.
And finally, there will be another set of increased Kanto creature spawns.
The big news here though is the month of Mewtwo raids – a huge surprise, considering it’s pretty much the strongest and most sought after creature in the game. It all feels like Niantic is clearing the way for what’s really coming next in Pokémon Go – Gen 4 – whenever that finally arrives.
Several questions remain – how frequently will the legendary birds spawn, considering Regirock is still around until 20th September? And with Mewtwo available from regular raids, will it finally be replaced as EX Raid candidate by Gen 3 legendary Deoxys?