A concerned public is demanding that the Federal Communications Commission refuse to bow down to a judicial blow to internet freedom dealt earlier this month.
One million petitions backed by a coalition of over 80 organizations — including Free Press, Prometheus Radio Project, and the American Civil Liberties Union — call for the FCC to “protect the open internet” and “reassert its clear authority over our nation’s communications infrastructure.”
Petitioners say this can be accomplished by reclassifying broadband services as “telecommunications services” — a move that would subject them to regulations that protect net neutrality.
A federal appeals court struck down the FCC’s Open Internet Order earlier this month, siding with a challenge from telecom giant Verizon. Loss of net neutrality protections, which require that Internet Service Providers treat all online content the same, would allow corporations like AT&T, Verizon, and Time Warner Cable to block and censor internet content and tamper with traffic — giving the advantage to the highest bidders.
Critics charge this would make the internet an even more uneven playing field.