RESIST DAY #59: What You Can Do Today

Sunday, March 19, 2017

  • RSVP now for tonight’s “Ready to Resist Call”  [Sunday, March 19 at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT)]. We’ll discuss the next phase of strategy to save our health care, in light of the House vote on Trumpcare being slated to take place this week. We’ll also learn about Trump’s Supreme Court pick, Neil Gorsuch, and how we can resist his nomination.
  • With members of congress back in their districts for a long weekend, Town Halls and similar events are happening locally nationwide
    • website (and on ) for Town Hall events in your area this weekend.
  • Following this week’s release of the CBO’s “devastating” analysis of the House GOP’s plan to destroy healthcare, the time is now to step up the pressure on your elected lawmaker to oppose this legislation
    • using the district-specific Affordable Care Act numbers provided by Contacting Congress.  
    • (or whatever name GOP wants to use). More resources .
    • Indivisible has provides additional resources and information .
  • With his confirmation hearings set to begin Monday, join national and local efforts to keep Neil Gorsuch from being confirmed to the nation’s highest court
    • Call your U.S. Senators and tell them you oppose Gorsuch
    • Join the and campaigns both national or in your community. Resources .

What You Can Be Doing Every Day 

  • Check out the Indivisible Guide’s “Capitol Calendar.” See if there’s a local Indivisible group in your area. If there isn’t, start one.
  • ” also has a running schedule of events and actions.
  • Sign up to receive ” on your mobile device
  • Every day: Make your voice heard with “5 Calls” (because calling actually works)
  • Every Sunday: Join “Ready to Resist” Strategy Calls
  • Every Tuesday: #ResistTrumpTuesdays (or on Twitter)