ROH releases EC3 teaser video

EC3 appears to be heading to ROH.

The company tonight posted a video, which can be seen below, showing a group of hooded figures walking down railroad tracks, wearing hoodies with “III” on the back. The phrase ‘control your narrative’ was also seen, which is a phrase of EC3’s since returning to the independent scene.

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EC3 has mostly been seen in Impact since following his release from WWE. He has been feuding with Moose over the TNA World title that Moose has been claiming as his own in recent months. He was released by WWE as part of wide-ranging cutbacks due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Since returning, ROH has focused on their Pure Tournament, where the winner will win the reactivated ROH Pure title. Thus far Jay Lethal, David Finlay, Fred Yehi, Tracy Williams, Jonathan Gresham, Matt Sydal, Josh Woods, and PJ Black are still in the tournament.