Security guards protect Japanese school pupils harassed over Armani uniforms

Private security guards have been hired to protect pupils attending the Tokyo school which recently unveiled bespoke Armani uniforms after they were harassed in the street by strangers.

Toshitsugu Wada, the principal of Taimei Elementary School in the luxury shopping district Ginza, apologised to parents after pupils wearing the new uniform were reportedly pinched and teased by passers by.

The local government authority which runs the school has now introduced extra police patrols in the area and hired four guards from a private security firm to protect pupils walking to and from school, according to local media reports.

The public school was thrust into the media spotlight last month after it unveiled its eye-wateringly expensive new uniforms custom-designed by the Italian fashion house Armani with a £500-plus price tag.

The move sparked immediate controversy, with concerns raised among parents and the issue also discussed in parliament with Taro Aso, the finance minister, who highlighted that some local families might not be able to afford such a uniform.

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Taro Aso, the finance minister, has commented on the caseCredit:

However, Mr Wada defended the decision to introduce the uniforms, saying that they were an appropriate reflection of the prestigious location of the school, which is minutes on foot from a string of global fashion house flagships.

This week, a meeting was held at the school to discuss issues surrounding the uniform with parents, organised at the request of both the local authority’s education board and also Armani.

Parents were reportedly informed about the additional security which is being paid for by the local government in order to protect pupils following alleged incidents of harassment.

Despite the controversy –  and the 80,000 yen (£548) price tag – all 55 new pupils enrolled to start the school at the beginning of the new academic year next month have ordered the new Armani uniform, according to the Asahi newspaper.

However, 659 people from across Japan reportedly contacted the local government office in relation to the new uniforms, many criticising the decision to introduce such a uniform in a public school or raising safety concerns.