**SPOILERS** For Sunday’s WWE One Night Stand PPV

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

– Preliminary plans for Sunday’s Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam match at One Night Stand were for Orton to squash the ECW “legend.” However, after Vince McMahon learned that it had become public knowledge that this was Van Dam’s last match with the company there have been whispers that McMahon intends to keep RVD around for another week or two to outsmart the “smart” fans. Furthermore, do not be surprised if RVD walks out the winner at Sunday’s PPV and even remains with the company for a couple more television appearances.

– Expect John Cena vs. The Great Khali at Sunday’s One Night Stand PPV to go a lot longer than previous contests. Given the fact that Cena can use weapons and brawl outside of the ring, he will not have to rely solely on trying to sale Khali’s lack of wrestling ability. The WWE creative team does not feel comfortable booking Khali in long wrestling matches due to his lack of skill inside of the ring.

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