Report by Thomas Bobo &
Show opened with La Familia coming to the ring and discussing that Edge experienced a “medical miracle” last week when he was able to win the Championship Chase and nothing would stop him from winning the title at Judgment Day.
Teddy Long was out next and told Vickie that he was at Titan Towers all day in Stamford after she yelled at him for being late and not returning her calls. He went on to read a statement from the WWE Board of Directors that said Vickie would either need to wrestle in her 1st ever match tonight and be out as GM of Smackdown.
Vickie did more yelling and went on to fire Long for going behind her back. He told her she could not do that and quit. On the way back to the locker room, he told her that The Undertaker would be her opponent tonight.
1. CM Punk over Chuck Palumbo after GTS. Punk was one of the most over wrestlers at the show. Decent little match and surprised to see it end decisively after the GTS.
Vickie, Edge and Chavo tried to cope with what was before them, when MVP, Finlay and Big Show all expressed their gripes with being “used” in the Championship Chase and then making fun of her having to face Undertaker. She said she was still GM tonight and that Show and Finlay would team to face MVP and a partner of his choice.
2. Michelle McCool over Layla when Layla tapped out to an ankle/leg submission. Not bad, not great. McCool did some neat, while sloppy leg work.
3. Big Show and Finlay over MVP and Mark Henry when MVP was pinned by Show following a chokeslam. Good tag match with Finlay being worked over for the body of the match leading to the Show hot tag. Show dominated, but was caught with an Avalanche-type move from Henry that halted him momentarily. Finlay dispatched Henry and MVP charged Show in the corner, while he sold the effects of the Avalanche and was caught by the throat, chokeslammed and pinned.
Chavo told Vickie and Edge that there was a way they could make the match they were in tonight work and smiled.
4. Vladimir Kozlov over Funaki
Vickie informed the audience that the main event would now be a 6-on-1 Handicap Match with herself, Edge, Chavo, Bam Neely, Ryder and Hawkins facing The Undertaker.
5. Cherry over Maryse w/ Deuce & Domino
Kofi Kingston and Matt Hardy talked in back. Shelton Benjamin came in and set up a match between he and Hardy, with the idea that he was after the U.S. Title. Hardy made of the only gold Shelton having was his hair!
6. Matt Hardy over Shelton Benjamin after the Twist of Fate. Decent here, with Shelton looking real competitive, but Hardy hitting the Twist of Fate almost out of nowhere for the win.
7. The Undertaker fought Vickie Guerrero, Edge, Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins to a No Decision.
La Familia all came out together, but as everyone walked (and Vickie was wheeled) to the ring, Chavo and Neely stopped short and returned to the back, making it a 4-on-1.
Vickie was in the ring in her wheelchair with Edge and the Edgeheads as her human shield. Taker went right at them and was occupied for the most part by Ryder and Hawkins. Each time he looked to have the advantage, Edge would make it 3-on-1 and neutralize him again.
Finally, Undertaker reversed the momentum of the Edgeheads on an irish whip attempt and sent them outside the ring. He then gave a big boot to Edge and he was out. He turned his attention to Vickie and went to deliver a chokeslam. As he hoisted and held her by the throat, he turned and was met with an Edge spear. Vickie was saved and everyone retreated up the ramp. The referee jumped out of the ring and Taker did the throat slash to seemingly end the taping.
Taker then got down with his back to his foes and they returned to get an advantage again, with Vickie at the top of the ramp. Kane’s music hit and he wheeled her to the ring. He and Taker took out their foes and Taker was eventually able to Tombstone Vickie to a huge response.
Taker left the ring while Vickie sold and Teddy Long came out and tried to get Kane to dance. He was successful and then Mick Foley and Michael Cole joined the mix while the fans ate it up and went home happy.
The advertised main event was Undertaker and Kane v. Edge and Chavo – but I can see why they did not run that. Not one person on the way out of the arena seemed slighted.
* Top RAW Star Jumping To SmackkDown (Confirmed) & BOBBY LASHLEY To TNA?!