Staff are ‘getting on my t—‘ and will ‘feel my wrath’ Australian boss writes in leaked all-round email

A boss in Australia has apologised for sending a furious all-staff email in which he condemned employees for playing too much ping pong, taking sick leave, failing to dress appropriately, and “getting on my t—”.

The email was sent  by Marcus Wood, an owner and director at recruiting firm Mars Recruitment, who later expressed regret for his “Gordon Ramsay meets Donald Trump-style email rant”.

In the email, which was leaked online and quickly went viral, Mr Wood threatened to fire several workers if they did not “pick up your game massively”.  

“Morning guys,” began the email, titled “Friday observation”. 

“Quick observation that is really getting on my t—.

“1: Endless ping pong during CORE BD business hours – especially from people with no money on the board.

 “2: Not even bothering to put a suit on or pretending to look the part (again with no money on the board). 3: Some of you are taking more sick days than Tom Hanks during the dying days of Philadelphia…again with no money on the board (and being a cost to the company and me personally).

“5 or 6 of you are REALLY GETTING ON MY T— in this office – you are a cost, you are demanding and exhausting and you don’t even look like you are trying.”

The email ended with a warning that staff would “feel my wrath and that is not pretty”.

Mr Wood, reportedly a Scotsman, worked in London and studied at Aberdeen University before moving to Sydney, according to his firm’s website.

He later apologised  for the email, admitting he was “not at my loquacious best”.

“I am happy to hold my hands up, and to this end I wanted to apologise,” he said. 

“Obviously some of you know me pretty well and know I shoot from the hip, but obviously others don’t.”

“It seems I am becoming an online sensation for how NOT to communicate – and in hindsight I agree!! I do value you all, but I am sure you get my sentiments in wanting you to reach your full potential, even if my delivery in this case was not at my loquacious best.”

He added: “Thanks guys and have a good weekend.”

The email generated much commentary on social media, some of which used the hashtag “bossoftheyear”.

“To be completely honest, we can see why these employees were taking so many sick days,” said the Mamamia website.