Stephanie McMahon on Ronda Rousey Working with WWE Again
Stephanie McMahon recently sat down with USA Today to discuss the possibility of Ronda Rousey working with the WWE once again.
On Rousey’s mass appeal: “Our fans love Ronda. Ronda has this cross platform appeal in terms of all forms of entertainment. We would welcome her with open arms. She is the total package.”
On Rousey’s Wrestlemania 31 appearance: “The moment was awe-inspiring. Our business works the best when there is magic and energy in the air, and Ronda’s presence brought that. With a guest appaerance like Ronda’s, to work best it has t be genuine and authentic. Pop culture is a huge strategy for WWE, our storylines are reflective of what’s happening in the world and what’s popular. In sports, it doesn’t get much more popular than Ronda.”
On Rousey fitting into the WWE: “Muhammad Ali credited pro-wrestling for where he got his trash talking skills and persona. I would like to think there is a bit of ‘Rowdy’ and wrestling history in Ronda and the way she carries herself, but she is definitely her own individual brand.”
Check out the link below for the full interview
Michael Cole Pushed WWE to Sign Nigel McGuinness
During an interview with, Michael Cole discussed Nigel McGuinness signing with the WWE and how he had been pushing company officials to sign him up:
“I cannot wait. I’ve been trying to get Nigel here for a long time […] and this just worked out to be the perfect venue to bring him aboard. Hde’s gonna start off as part of this tournament but he’s gonna be with WWE full time going forward. We have a lot of plans for Nigel, and I think fans are going to be excited seeing what he has coming in his career/ there’s not a better person to be able to do this.”