Stephen King: Trump Is ‘Rotten to the Core’

Hollywood producer and horror book author Stephen King is at it again, using Twitter to attack President Donald Trump.

“Trump reminds me of that old cartoon character, Crabby Appleton. He’s rotten to the core,” Stephen King tweeted on Tuesday.

At least his Tuesday tweet was relatively clear of foul language, unlike many of his other tweets. For instance, last week the schlock horror scribe jumped to Twitter to tell the president “fuck your wall.”

“Fuck your wall. Split that 5 billion between at-risk children who don’t have lunches and vets who can’t get proper medical and psychological treatment. Fuck your vanity project. Do something good for once,” King fumed.

King also ridiculously called for President Trump to be impeached over his reaction to the murder of foreign national, radical Muslim Brotherhood activist, and occasional editorialist Jamal Khashoggi, who was likely murdered by Saudi agents in the country of Turkey.

Only days before that, King was tweeting that Trump has a “disordered mind.”

“Donald Trump’s tweets over the last 9 days provide a window into an increasingly disordered mind. Since we are all to some extent his hostages, I find this dismaying and rather frightening,” he wrote in a viral screed.

Speaking of minds, with his near weekly anti-Trump tweeting, it appears that Trump lives in King’s mind.

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