ATLANTA — THC-tainted cereal appears to be the cause of 28 Fulton County middle school students being rushed to local hospitals on Valentine’s Day last week. According to recently released test results from the Georgia Bureau of Investigations’ crime lab, 46 items of food products, including cereal, submitted by the Fulton County Schools police department revealed the presence of THC.
Initial reports said the students became ill after eating some Valentine’s Day candy. Fulton County school officials held a news conference Thursday afternoon in which they said they are still investigating who brought the items to school.
THC is a mind-altering chemical found in marijuana.
Emergency medical personnel was called to evaluate the students. The students were taken to the Hughes Spalding and Egleston campuses of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Grady Hospital.
Read more: 28 Students Sickened By Valentine’s Candy At Fulton School
AND: Cause Of 28 Sandtown Students’ Illness Still A Mystery
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