The most far-reaching college admissions plot ever prosecuted, revealed on Tuesday by federal investigators, provides a window into how wealth and power operate in American society, progressives say.
The scheme involved getting the children of wealthy people into the colleges of their dreams, often by manipulating sports scholarships, disability allowances on tests, and by inflating resumes. Per Democracy Now!,
The scope of the scandal, and the fact that it’s snared well known figures, made it front page news. But for a number of politicians, journalists, and commentators, the scheme exposed a deeper, uglier truth about the lack of meritocracy in America and how power works.
“I hope it’s a wake-up call for people who have bought into the system that people become wealthy because they have worked hard,” Ivory Toldson, professor of counseling psychology at Howard University, told Democracy Now! in an interview Wednesday. “It’s a deception that’s pervasive in our society.”
Toldson joined a chorus of people pointing out the rot exposed by the scheme.
Twitter user @dlnodots mused on whether the people arrested Tuesday would face the same kind of consequences as black parents whose children attend out of district schools.