Over three months since its general election, Sweden is still unable to form a new government – so what are their options?
So far, two candidates to lead the country have been rejected by parliament – which had never even happened once in Sweden until this autumn – leaving the country in the middle of a delicate process.
What’s changed?
Elections in September left the populist hard-right Sweden Democrats – pariahs amongst the traditional parties – in third place with 62 MPs out of 349. Their ascent and the 2015 European migration crisis have led the larger parties to get tougher on immigration. The two traditional blocs came up virtually tied, but neither one can hope to govern without brokering deals beyond the usual alliances.
The centre-left Social Democrats, though maintaining a 101-year streak as largest party, slumped to 28.3 per cent of the vote, their lowest mandate since the party’s infancy in 1908. With eight parties represented in the proportional parliament, the party political system may be balkanising.
The Constitution provides that after four failed votes on the composition of a new government, a snap election would be automatic. Centre-right Moderates Leader Ulf Kristersson and caretaker Social Democratic prime minister Stefan Löfven have both had proposals rejected by MPs.
Who is in charge of the process?
Andreas Norlén, the speaker, is tasked with proposing prime minister candidates and moving the process along.
A maximum of two further formal government proposals can be put before parliament before a snap election would automatically be called.
No one currently has the power to call an extra election without going through this procedure. The speaker announced on Wednesday he would give parties an extended negotiating period until January 14th, 2019 to break the deadlock.
The final two votes, if both need, are provisionally scheduled for January 16th and 23rd. The pressure by the last vote to avoid a snap election is believed to give that proposal the highest chance of passing.
Who will lead negotiations now?
The Speaker said on Wednesday he sees Mr Kristersson and caretaker prime minister Löfven as the only viable prime ministerial candidates, and put pressure on them both to come up with a fresh solution between the different parties.
Based on what they come up with by the mid-January deadline, Norlén intends to propose one of them as prime minister for the penultimate possible parliamentary vote two days later.
Will there be fresh elections?
Michael Sundström, Senior Political Science Lecturer at Lund University, doubts the process will get that far. “For the upcoming two votes, people will sharpen up at that point. No one wants another election except the Sweden Democrats. We would end up with the same situation as now; it may even be harder next time.”
Current opinion polling and the drain on party finances of running another campaign may yet force further compromise on tax rates, immigration, and business regulation. But it will be a hard pill for parties to swallow and it’s one they’ve so far resisted.
An election would have to be held on a Sunday within three months of the fourth vote if it fails, and April 21st, 2019 has therefore been pencilled in as the last possible date by which to organise and hold the poll.
This would create the undesired scenario of elections to the Swedish and European Parliaments happening in quick succession. European elections are set for May 23rd to 26th across the 27 post-Brexit EU member states.
Swedes are increasingly frustrated with the inaction caused by the leadership vacuum. Swedish budgets normally run to 3000 pages.
Last month’s reached just 28, only the basics to keep the country ticking over. Swedes would have liked a new government for Christmas, but by the time they get one, over seven months of policy-making may have been lost.