US announces withdrawal from key Cold War nuclear arms treaty with Russia


America will withdraw from a major nuclear arms treaty with Russia, Donald Trump has announced, removing a cornerstone of Cold War era security and raising fears of a new weapons race. 

The Kremlin will formally be notified of America’s departure from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty [INF] on Saturday, with the decision taking effect six months later.

The Trump administration accused Russia of “shamelessly” violating the terms of the agreement, which bans ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with a range of 500 to 5,000 km. 

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation [Nato], a military alliance which includes Britain, threw its weight behind the decision, saying its members “fully support” the action and calling on Russia to comply. 

Mike Pompeo, the US secretary of State, said on Friday: “When an agreement is so brazenly disregarded and our security is so openly threatened we must respond.”

He added: “Russia has jeopardised the United States’s security interests and we can no longer be restricted by the treaty while Russia shamelessly violates it.”

Q&A | The INF Treaty


The decision has long been expected, with Mr Trump signalling his intention to withdraw last October. But it nonetheless marks a significant geopolitical change, removing a key plank of the late Cold War structure designed to reduce the threat of nuclear war. 

The agreement was signed by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, the US and Soviet Union leaders at the time, after growing concern of a confrontation in Europe in the 1980s as both sides deployed medium-range nuclear weapons.  However two problems with the treaty have emerged since then.

The first and most pressing is Russia’s noncompliance, with America accusing the Kremlin of secretly developing a missile – the 9M729 – which can carry nuclear warheads and is banned under the treaty. 

The US government first raised its concerns with the Kremlin in May 2013, when Barack Obama was president, and has deemed Russia in violation of the agreement since 2014. 

Pressure to comply has ramped up under Mr Trump. But after 35 “diplomatic engagements” on the subject since 2013 Russia still refuses to acknowledge the alleged breach. 

The Kremlin has instead claimed that America is breaking the agreement and wants to trigger a new arms race. Nato agrees with America that Russia is violating the treaty. 

The second area of concern is that America and Russia are the only two major world powers bound by the agreement, leaving other geopolitical rivals free to develop such weapons. 

Both China and Iran have more than 1,000 missiles each that would be barred if they were bound by the treaty, according to senior US administration officials. 

Timeline: The INF Treaty

The officials also cited a 2007 speech by Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, where he complained that countries like India, Iran, Pakista and Israel were developing such missiles. 

Mr Trump said in a statement on Friday: “The United States has fully adhered to the INF Treaty for more than 30 years, but we will not remain constrained by its terms while Russia misrepresents its actions. We cannot be the only country in the world unilaterally bound by this treaty, or any other.”

There remains a glimmer of hope that the treaty could remain in place, with the Trump administration saying it will stay in if Russia destroys the contravening missiles and any means of launching them in the next six months. But that looks unlikely. 

US officials attempted to play down fears of a new arms race and rebuffed suggestions that America would be to blame if one begun. 

“Let’s be clear. If there is an arms race it is Russia that has started it,” said one senior US administration official in a briefing on Friday. 

Officials dismissed the Kremlin’s claims that the US wanted triggered such a race as “propaganda” and “another Russian lie.”

They said that the Pentagon was looking at "potential options" for missile deployment once treaty ends, but repeatedly insisted that any such decisions were "some time away".

Russian officials said on Friday that they are still ready to maintain dialogue over the treaty. Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg also said he would try to convince Russia to comply with the agreement. 

Meanwhile Mr Trump, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office, raised the possibility of a new nuclear agreement that included more countries.  "I hope that we’re able to get everybody in a very big and beautiful room and do a new treaty which would be much better," Mr Trump said.