WWE House Show Results (7/02/08) – Santiago, Chile

Rajah.com reader Cristian Leon sent this in…

Hey there. Long time Rajah reader, here’s my first report. Hope it’s good enough!


Rey comes out first to a huge pop. He said that since the draft happened he’s here and so are others such as Kofi Kingston (mild pop) and CM Punk (nice pop). He said he can’t wrestle yet but will be able to next week and got some heat for that. He also mentioned about how someone recently made bad comments about latin women (which Carlito kinda did in a press conference weeks ago), and that he disagreed because he thinks latin women are very nice looking. Carlito comes out to a pop and says that Rey and the crowd are jealous because they’re not from puerto rico like he is. Carlito said he wants to fight Rey right now but Rey says he can’t fight but has a friend that would love to wipe the floor with him. Batista comes out to a huge pop, gets in the ring. Carlito spits apple on Batista’s face and they start fighting. Rey hits the 619 on Carlito followed by a Batista bomb and they celebrate.

Tony Chimel announces the next match. Paul London comes out to a decent pop, does his backflips and the crowd is impressed. Lance Cade comes out to some heat. Pretty good match, London gets some offense in. Cade wins the match.

For the next match Charlie Haas comes out to some heat. Jim Duggan comes out holding the american flag and 2×4 as usual. Crowd goes HOOOOOOO along with Duggan. Duggan wins. No U S A chant, though…

Chimel announces that the next match is for the world tag team championship. Cryme Tyme come out to a pretty good pop. JTG does the cueca (national dance of Chile) in the ring and gets a huge reaction from the crowd. Ted and Cody come out to some heat. They retain after Ted hits the million dollar dream legsweep on Shad. Pretty good match with great team moves from Shad and JTG.

The following match is for the women’s championship. Santino is the special guest referee. He talks about how he knows a lot about Chile, such as Chili Fritos and Chili Palmer, gets a lot of heat. Beth comes out to a decent pop, followed by Mickie who gets an even bigger pop. Santino tries to check if Mickie was hiding anything in her pants by trying to feel her legs up but Mickie kept avoiding his hands (it was pretty funny). He did the same with Beth but she got mad and grabbed him and felt him up instead. Good match, Mickie retained despite Santino’s slow counts.

After the break Jericho comes out to a huge pop. He says (all of this in Spanish) that Michaels did not come to Chile because he’s a liar and a coward, just like everybody in the crowd, which got him a lot of heat. Michaels comes out and gets the biggest pop of the night. Great match, Cade tries to interfere but the referee tells him to get out. Michaels wins after hitting sweet chin music.

Chimel announces that the following contest will be for the World Heavyweight Championship. Kane comes out to a huge pop, followed by Punk who also gets a huge pop. Kane’s more over than Punk with the crowd. Punk wins after hitting the Go To Sleep on Kane, which didn’t look too great considering how big Kane is, but still impressive. They shake hands after the match.

JBL comes out for the main event, getting lots of heat from the crowd. He goes on saying George Bush is the greatest president in history and that all of you should respect him, because he protects this country. He starts singing God Bless America and gets LOADS of heat. The crowd starts insulting him in spanish and he demands that they speak to him in English. Cena comes out to mixed booing and cheering. He throws his shirt at the crowd and they return it, much like in One Night Stand, and the crowd popped for that. JBL points at the crowd and says THESE ARE MY FRIENDS in spanish, getting half of the crowd behind him for the whole match, including several JBL chants. The shirt deal goes on for a while until someone throws back something that kinda looked like a black Hello Kitty shirt instead of Cena’s shirt. Cena looks at it confused and everybody laughs. He throws it at JBL, who stomps it and then uses it to wipe his armpits. Pretty good match, ref bump near the end, JBL goes for a chairshot but Cena counters it, hits the FU and wins.

Cena celebrates with the crowd, takes a Chilean flag and holds it up at the ring entrance but he’s holding it the wrong way (flipped). Oops! The crowd didn’t really mind. Pretty good show but several people in the audience were mad about Triple H and others not showing up due to the draft.

Huge *SPOILER* – The Raw Main Event For Great American Bash REVEALED HERE >>